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منتديات الأحباب
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منتديات الأحباب
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منتديات الأحباب

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 اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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مؤسس الشبكة

عدد الرسائل : 1228
العمر : 34
مستوي الانذار : 0%
السٌّمعَة : 0
تاريخ التسجيل : 10/09/2007

اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن   اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Emptyالخميس يوليو 24, 2008 11:13 pm

منقول من منتدى اجنبى خاص بسلك رود

I've been searching the forums for this, but I coudn't find a clear guide about it, so I decided to make one myself اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Cheesy

1. ALWAYS make a backup of your original Media.pk2 file. You don't want to reinstall the game everytime you do something wrong.

2. Open your Media.pk2 file in XVI32. If you don't have that program, you can easely find it on google.

اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن 16289561vm6

3. Decide what transport you want to change and what you want to change it to. You can find all transport codes below. In this example I will change the 3th horse (Dragon Horse) to a cool looking lizard.
The codes I will be needing for this are: cos\c_horse3.bsr and cos\t_lizard.bsr
Note that the 2 codes are the same length, this will make it very easy for us. Also, c_ means it's a vehicle, t_ means it's a trade transport, p_ means it's a pet.

4. Because the codes are the same length, we will only have to replace them. Open Search > Replace... and type in the following.
اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن 47254780bx3

5. Click Replace all. It should change 3 files. (This might change with updates) Save your file, close XVI32 and try it out! If you didn't screw up, you should get this:

اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Pk2dragon2zp6

Now, what if your codes aren't the same length? We will have to work a little different. Follow the same steps until step 3.

3. This time, I want to change my horse to a unicorn. The codes we will be using are cos\c_horse3.bsr and cos\c_unicorn.bsr
Note these have a different length.

4. First, we need to change the unicorn code to something that has the same length as the code for my horse. To make it very simple, I'll just change it to cos\c_horse5.bsr . This horse doesn't exist, but because the unicorn isn't implented yet, I don't have to worry about that. Click Search > Replace... and type:
اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن 86652798lz4

5. Hit Replace all. Now we change our horse to the unicorn.
اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن 26625214dl9

6. Hit Replace all. Save your file, close XVI32 and try it out.
اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Pk2unicorn1uc8

NOTE: When editting transports with different lengths, always make sure you end up with the same amount of letters. Example: Pegasus has 30 strings, a horse only 3. This would make the file unbalanced, so you better change the unicorn.bsr code to horse5.bsr. Unicorn is the same length as Pegasus and has only 3 strings.

cos\c_horse1.bsr = Red Horse
cos\c_horse2.bsr = Shadow Horse
cos\c_horse3.bsr = Dragon Horse
cos\c_dhorse1.bsr = Ironclad Horse
cos\c_tiger.bsr = Item Mall Tiger
cos\c_ostrich.bsr = Item Mall Ostrich
cos\c_scarabaeus.bsr = Item Mall Beetle
cos\c_rudolph.bsr = Rudolph / Reindeer
cos\c_wildpig.bsr = Wild Pig
cos\c_unicorn.bsr = Unicorn
cos\c_pegasus.bsr = Pegasus / Flying horse
cos\t_horse1.bsr = Trade Horse
cos\t_horse2.bsr = Thoroughbred
cos\t_horse3.bsr = White Horse
cos\t_dhorse1.bsr = Ironclad Trade Horse
cos\t_camel1.bsr = Arabian Camel
cos\t_camel2.bsr = Bactrian Camel
cos\t_camel3.bsr = Indian Camel
cos\t_cow1.bsr = Fire Bull
cos\t_lizard.bsr = Lizard / Dragon
cos\t_behemoth.bsr = Behemoth / Giant trade bull
cos\t_donkey.bsr = Trade Donkey
cos\t_whiteelephant.bsr = White Elephant
cos\t_rhinoceros.bsr = Rhino
cos\t_buffalo = Buffalo
cos\p_wolf_01.bsr = Small Wolf
cos\p_wolf_02.bsr = Big Wolf
cos\p_myowon.bsr = Monkey
cos\p_seowon.bsr = Squirrel
cos\p_wolf_white_01.bsr = Small White Wolf
cos\p_wolf_white_02.bsr = Big White Wolf
cos\p_rabbit.bsr = Rabbit
cos\cos_p_spot_rabbit.ddj = Spotted Rabbit
cos\p_jinn.bsr = Small Genie
cos\p_jinn_02.bsr = Big Genie
cos\p_RAVEN01.bsr = Small Three Footed Crow
cos\p_RAVEN02.bsr = Big Three Footed Crow
cos\p_PENGUIN01.bsr = Small Penguin
cos\p_PENGUIN02.bsr = Big Penguin
cos\p_KANGAROO01.bsr = Small Kangaroo
cos\p_KANGAROO02.bsr = Big Kangaroo
cos\p_goldpig.bsr = Gold Pig
cos\cos_p_pinkpig.ddj = Pink Pig
cos\p_gglider.bsr = Glider
cos\p_bear01.bsr = Small Bear
cos\p_bear02.bsr = Big Bear
cos\p_raccoondog.bsr = Raccoon
cos\p_cat.bsr = Cat
cos\p_brownie.bsr = Sylph
mob\china\bluetiger.bsr = Tiger Girl's Tiger
mob\china\tigerwoman.bsr = Tiger Girl / Tiger Girl
mob\oasis\uruchidragon.bsr = Uruchi's Dragon
mob\oasis\uruchi.bsr = Uruchi
mob\karakoram\isyutaru.bsr = Isyutaru
mob\taklamakan\bonelord.bsr = Lord Yarkan
mob\europe\wolf.bsr = Europe Evil Wolf
char\china\chinaman_adventurer.bsr = Liu ZhaoYing
char\china\chinaman_bogy.bsr = Yan Gong Lei
char\china\chinaman_fighter.bsr = DuGu He
char\china\chinaman_merchant.bsr = Feng XuanYang
char\china\chinaman_monk.bsr = XinHun
char\china\chinaman_monkey.bsr = Pan XiaoLong
char\china\chinaman_necromancer.bsr = DeLuo FaWang
char\china\chinaman_nobleboy.bsr = MuRong Feng
char\china\chinaman_performer.bsr = He XiaoTian
char\china\chinaman_priest.bsr = XuJing
char\china\chinaman_scholar.bsr = ShangGuan Fei
char\china\chinaman_tattoo.bsr = GongSun Liuyun
char\china\chinaman_warrior.bsr = BaShaKe
char\china\chinawoman_adventurer.bsr = Lin XueJun
char\china\chinawoman_assassin.bsr = AYiSha
char\china\chinawoman_bogy.bsr = YanLing
char\china\chinawoman_fighter.bsr = Cheng BiXiao
char\china\chinawoman_fox.bsr = MaEr
char\china\chinawoman_kangsi.bsr = XiaoRong
char\china\chinawoman_kisaeng.bsr = YinQiao
char\china\chinawoman_merchant.bsr = CuiHua
char\china\chinawoman_necromencerb.bsr = TianLian
char\china\chinawoman_necromencerw.bsr = Wu RuoLan
char\china\chinawoman_noblegirl.bsr = ChuXue
char\china\chinawoman_scholar.bsr = Yue Juan
char\china\chinawoman_warrior.bsr = SiQin

PS: Attacking pets have tons of strings, don't try editting them unless you're a pro.

اتحكم فى ال Media.PK2 براحتك من الأن Tongue That took longer than I expected... Sticky?

I hope you understand everything, and if you know any other codes, please let me know.
I added some example images, you can see them by clicking the names after the codes.
Add thanks if this helped you ^^
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